Tag Archives: simeon & anna

Seeking and Waiting

Read Matthew 2:1-12 and Luke 2:-21-38 to start.

Who here enjoys waiting? What’s that? No one is immediately putting their hand up? That’s hardly surprising. It’s not a question like “Who wants ice cream?” or “Anyone mind if we finish early today?” We are not keen for waiting, it’s not something that we particularly want to experience, or that we would commonly seek out.

Now, on the other hand, we often very much enjoy what comes on the other side of the waiting. If you’re in line at an amusement park, when it comes to your turn for the rollercoaster or the waterslide, then that’s great, that’s something that is enjoyed by one and all, or at least by all who enjoy waterslides and rollercoasters. I remember as a child waiting for summer vacation or Christmas break, or even long weekends. Frankly, as an adult I find myself waiting for those things as well.

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