Tag Archives: mercy

How Long?

Read Psalm 94:1-15 and Matthew 24:3-8 to start.

Sometimes when I’m preparing to preach a sermon, I know exactly the passage I want to speak from and the particular story I will start with. That’s great when it happens, and while it’s still plenty of work and a number of hours to prepare a sermon, it feels like things flow well and it’s fairly straightforward. It can be easy to look at these occasions and say that the Holy Spirit lead me to speak on this topic and in this way. And that may well be the case, at times the Holy Spirit certainly leads down clear and straight paths that go easily. But not always.

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Blessings, Mercy, and Precipitation

Read Matthew 7:24-29 to start.

The wise man built his house upon the rock. That’s of course the title of a children’s song we sing from time to time, it’s not one we trot out every single week or anything, but I recall it being quite popular when I was Sunday School age. The first two verses of that song are lifted wholesale from this passage of scripture. Those two verses tell the story of prudent construction versus unwise building methods, much as the parable we read to start does. It’s a familiar account, and a familiar song, and it’s an easy to understand principle as it applies both to building a house and to establishing your manner of living. If you follow Christ, if you hear His words and decide to obey them, then you will be established and sound. If you do not, then you will find yourself, as Paul describes in Ephesians chapter four, tossed about by every wind of doctrine. The wise man takes one approach, the foolish man a different one, and the results speak for themselves.

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