Tag Archives: joy

That Your Joy May Be Full

Read 1 John 1:1-10 and John 15:1-11 to start.

Who remembers Marie Kondo? Of course, I say remember like this is ancient history, but her Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo only came out five years ago. For those who are unfamiliar with Ms Kondo, she is an author and TV presenter specializing in organization. She has sold millions of books and was on Time magazine’s list of 100 most influential people. She has some controversial and frankly ridiculous ideas when it comes to how to organize and declutter your home, such as the recommendation that you should have no more than 25 books. No, that’s not 25 books on the table at one time, but rather 25 books in your house. In total. Yeah, we’re a bit over that at my house. When I was writing my sermon I took a look around the room and stopped counting at 25 books, and that was before I got to the bookshelf. Or the other bookshelf. Or the rest of the house.

The concept that Marie Kondo is perhaps best known for is the idea of sparking joy.  Gather the items in your house, pick them up one at a time, and with each item, ask yourself “Does this spark joy?” The idea is that if something does not cause joy, then you get rid of it. If it does cause joy, then you keep it. This is supposed to help you reduce clutter. Frankly, I’m up for trying it. Of course, if I did, I might end up throwing out the bills from Maritime Electric and Eastlink, and probably the bathroom scale, too.

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