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Mind Your Manners

How not to eat

by Nancy Thomas

I'm not sure what's going on with the world, but it seems I encounter more and more people with bad manners. Maybe it's the American tourists — no offence. I was raised on a strict diet of good manners and it is sometimes astonishing how some people do not put any of them into practice. Here are some that are especially annoying. If you know deep down inside that you're guilty of one or more of these, you can decide if you'd like to continue in your ill-mannered ways or be sent to your room. Of course, it's not like I'm the etiquette queen or anything.

  1. Not closing your mouth while eating, or talking with food in your mouth. I do not want to see the process that involves you digesting, nor do we need to hear what kind of sounds different foods make while being chewed. This is not the discovery channel.
  2. Walking up to the middle or front of the line when I've clearly been here before you. Here's a hint: if I was already standing there when you arrived, I'm ahead of you.
  3. Cashiers failing to say "hello" or even acknowledge your presence when you're standing in front of them with merchandise. It's even worse when they continue their conversation with their co-worker (who's also ignoring their customer) about how drunk they got on the weekend, or how rude the last customer was. Not very professional.
  4. Not saying excuse me. It is so annoying when somebody who is walking around while talking on their cell phone slams you in the shoulder and acts annoyed with you for being on the sidewalk, even though you're where you're supposed to be, and you were watching where you were going.
  5. On the topic of cell phones, nothing fuels my frustration like people talking on them while driving. Unless of course you're Jack Bauer, talking to the President about the current bomb-scare, scandal or infectious disease in the atmosphere; in that case I'll get out of your way ('cause you'd probably just shoot me anyhow). Otherwise pull over. Also, use signals and don't cut me off. That just makes me wish I was Jack Bauer.
  6. Smacking or blowing bubbles/popping bubbles or any other kind of noise with chewing gum. I'd like to take that gum out of your mouth (with gloves perhaps) and stick it in your hair — you know, get it in there really good so you have to cut out a chunk of your hair.
  7. Not saying "please" or "thank-you." These are very basic and should come naturally unless you don't speak English.
  8. Parents letting their kids yell/scream/run amuck all over a shopping area. Obviously you don't care if your kids are screaming a tantrum while you're shopping, but, it's certainly annoying the heck out of me and I'm holding back every fibre of my being to not discipline YOU to discipline your child.
  9. On the subject of kids — babies do not belong in a movie theatre! Get a baby sitter, or wait for it to come out on rental. I don't think it's cute to hear your baby fuss, cry or puke during the movie.
  10. Constant interrupting. Do you have A.D.D.? Well then, it's okay, but if not, at least let me get to the end of my sentence. Unless the building is on fire. Then that's okay too.


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