A Thousand Words, Volume I

Dennis Miller used to have a feature on his show called The Big Picture where he commented on photos from the news. This is a rather low effort thing to do, and it was generally very funny for him, so I’m going to rip off all sorts of intellectual property here and do it myself. This is for parody, so don’t get upset if you don’t find my comments funny.

"I don't care if this is heavy, I'm dragging it down to the pawn shop to get cash for a Game Cube."
“I don’t care if this is heavy, I’m dragging it down to the pawn shop to get cash for a Game Cube.”

There is something just not right about this shirt, but I can't put my finger on it...

There is something just not right about this shirt, but I can’t put my finger on it…

Fidel Castro has to pee.
“Hey, look. Fidel wants to ask permission to go potty again.”

Man with cross and armoured vehicle
Word to the wise — what is effective against vampires might not be so effective against riot police in armoured vehicles.

When he got bored, Emperor Palpitine got stoned and used The Force to make the room spin.

George W Bush and Colin Powell, scowling
“Look, if you don’t hand bin Laden over, I’m going to let Colin Powell keep scowling at you, and nobody wants that.”

Chair pile on fire
Tonight on Fox: When Bad Street Entertainers Attack.